Category Archives: Armageddon Starring…

Armageddon Starring… The Organ & Drum Battle 2012

Welcome to the Organ & Drum Battle 2012, it’s cool. Check it out… It features limited edition RAP by WMJC, also spiritual breakdown by WMJC. Love life, eat cereal, drink stuff, etc.

Click here to download.

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Sun Warshippers – Double Hitter

the first is a Spencer Eddie William jam for 11 minutes, it went down on January 11th 2012.  The second is a Corey Eddie William blues from February 1st 2012.

Click here to download.

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Armageddon Starring… Marx Bortema

This is it, the jam of all jams, the essence of Marx Bortema, (my pseudonym of Max), This is it, the jam of all jams, the essence of Marx Bortema, (my pseudonym of Max), This is it, the jam of all jams, the essence of Marx Bortema, (my pseudonym of Max), This is it, the jam of all jams, the essence of Marx Bortema, (my pseudonym of Max), This is it, the jam of all jams, the essence of Marx Bortema, (my pseudonym of Max), This is it, the jam of all jams, the essence of Marx Bortema, (my pseudonym of Max), This is it, the jam of all jams, the essence of Marx Bortema, (my pseudonym of Max), This is it, the jam of all jams, the essence of Marx Bortema, (my pseudonym of Max), This is it, the jam of all jams, the essence of Marx Bortema, (my pseudonym of Max), This is it, the jam of all jams, the essence of Marx Bortema, (my pseudonym of Max), This is it, the jam of all jams, the essence of Marx Bortema, (my pseudonym of Max), This is it, the jam of all jams, the essence of Marx Bortema, (my pseudonym of Max), This is it, the jam of all jams, the essence of Marx Bortema, (my pseudonym of Max), This is it, the jam of all jams, the essence of Marx Bortema, (my pseudonym of Max), This is it, the jam of all jams, the essence of Marx Bortema, (my pseudonym of Max),

It is highly urged for you to remix this album and then send it to me and I will upload it here,

Click here to download.

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Armageddon Starring… Somewhere On Spaceship Earth

So here’s the deal, the last song is really the only song on this “album” (the song titled “Earth”).  And see the reason why is because we are here on planet earth, I realized this after I was already writing this to mention that none of the other songs are worthy of earth, but the last one, the last song, it’s something great babe.  It’s pretty galactic dopeness, it’s more like “Cosby-Homie-Jesus”, if I could really name the song that, it would be done.  So anyway, I’m only letting you download the last song, song 5.

Click here to download thissssssss.

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