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The Strong Struggling State – Eyebrows Of A Ratty Old Skunk

The Strong Struggling State album “Eyebrows Of A Ratty Old Skunk” is a beautiful journey between two lovers during medieval times. It is very sexy and includes much intercourse through the music. Imagine dragons trying to slay a sorry little child princess, she’s so beautiful shucks! She’s getting attacked! Ahh! And so at this point the wonderful handsome boy comes running in. He just finished off with some medieval porn (ladies with high socks) so he was really loose and slonky but with that tittering edge you know like ready for strutting some big bulls off through the wall. So anyway princess was friggin scared and pissed herself. Boy slays dragon, whistles some silly tune as a victory thing, then the princess is so embarrassed cause not only did she get caught in such a fairy tale event, she also friggin peed her pants. So when boy came up to princess after brushing off his khakis, little princess ran off- she was like “ahhhhh…” and the boy was just shocked.

Two weeks later the princess was airing out her washed clothes on the line up by the castle and she spotted the boy climbing the hill with some berries in a satchel. She decided it was time to thank the poor boy so she trotted over to him with this true large smile. “Hi thank you so much and thanks and hi and well…” but she was interrupted by a luscious kiss slabbed on by the boy. He practically couldn’t help himself. He was globbing. She thought it was nice but he understood this was dangerous seeing as they were on the steep hill of rose bushes and he was losing his balance from self-esteem boosts gradually increasing. He put the berries down and grabbed princess’s hand and guided her to a rock. They took a seat and instantly seemed to have a connection. The rock was warm with the sun. Princess looked into boy’s eyes and almost burst out laughing. She noticed he was crying. Ok.. that’s really funny.. she giggled a tad. He got upset and stood up like a man and said, “What! I can’t cry? Well.. well.. what about you! You pissed in front of a dragon!! HA! You make me sick!” Princess got up and ran away crying. He had outdone himself this time… ha, will he ever learn? Girls are sensitive and especially about pissing their pants. Boys will try and hold it in but they really are also sensitive.

Anyway, this album is called “Eyebrows Of A Ratty Old Skunk” because I had a dream that a ratty old looking skunk trotted in front of me as I was walking into my house. He turned and looked at me all ratty, and then stumbled into a bush. Then the next day I was noticing everyone’s eyebrows sticking out like a sore thumb, like all people in pictures had big bushy eyebrows so I giggled and told my coworkers and they giggled and then one of them said, “Hey that’d make a funny title for an album” and so I was just so totally like, ok.

Click here to download.

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